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Young Life Africa Celebration

This past week, Young Life staff from all over Africa, convened in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with a number of U.S. staff and supporters. It was a joy to meet more new friends and catch a glimpse of what God is doing on this continent through the ministry of Young Life.

  • We visited a day camp just one kilometer from the beachside landing where thousands of East African slaves stood before they were shipped off to Zanzibar and on to European ports for sale. We prayed for continued repentance, forgiveness and redemption for this piece of land where darkness has held a deadly grip for centuries.

  • We met local pastors and volunteer leaders who shared their hearts for their communities and walked with us through their neighborhoods – through alleys, markets, school yards, and narrow paths between small, humble homes and shops. We met the volunteers’ families and prayed over their ministries.

  • We saw each leader’s hand drawn MAP of their community and MINISTRY TREE which outlines their plans, dreams and prayers for their neighborhood. Each MAP and TREE include the names of friends God has placed on their hearts and in their lives. These pieces of paper represent sacred ground where God is hard at work. Most of these papers were folded, dirty and crinkled. Some were meticulously clean and kept in pristine envelopes to protect them from being lost or tattered. They’ve been carried in pockets and in backpacks for days, weeks and years. The TREES grow as more friends are added. One staff person has 18 trees. I call him the grandfather of Young Life in Uganda.

  • We heard the story of staff in closed parts of the continent. In countries that condemn the name of Jesus, God has anointed the work of brave, called and committed Young Life staff. In terrorist hotbeds, Young Life camp is being held just kilometers away from Al-Shabab training camps. Kids who have been to both camps ask why the message of Young Life is so different. May Jesus reveal the truth through these fearless staff. We can’t show their pictures but trust me, these people are heroes doing pioneering work in the most resistant parts of the world.

  • We worshipped, danced and celebrated under the extraordinary leadership of staff from Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi, South Africa, Liberia, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia and nearly a dozen other countries I’m not able name.

  • We shared meals, laughter, tears, and prayers. We will convene again. Maybe not on earth during our lifetime but I’m so looking forward to celebrating eternity with this mighty band of courageous defenders of the faith.

God delights is this community of saints. I was honored to walk with them for even a few days.

A Western Uganda Terrorist Attack Update:

Thank you to our friends who have prayed for the Young Life work in Uganda and to the many who contributed to the Uganda Emergency Fund for the West Ugandan community impacted by the terrorist attack a month ago. The Young Life staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly to care for the families of those killed and injured as well as doing all they can to bring a sense of renewed life into the hearts of those shaken by this horrific event. Amazingly, Young Life clubs and camps are back up and going. Kids are hearing about Jesus. Lives are being changed. It is remarkable to see HOPE in a place of such fear and despair.

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