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Let's Send Kids to Camp!

One month ago today, we arrived back to the US from Uganda. Despite the frenzy of readjusting, a huge part of my heart will remain behind in the "Pearl of Africa."

During our time in Kampala, I loved investing in the work of an amazing team of folks working for Young Life.  These are faithful, selfless and passionate men and woman who are fully committed to introducing kids to Jesus.

Young Life is the ministry I was introduced to in high school and it is where I met Scott.

In Uganda, 45 staff and hundreds of volunteers befriend and reach out to kids who need hope, encouragement and purpose.  My friend, William, has been on staff for years and is currently extending ministry out to eleven new cities in his region.  This is a tall job as he is the only paid staff person and travel is really challenging.

Despite the obstacles, ministry is booming.  One of his new areas has a weekly Young Life club (meeting) that consistently welcomes 500 – 800 kids.  This is remarkable.  Camp is one of the key tools Young Life staff and volunteers use to engage with kids. This is a chance for kids to get away, have fun, sing, dance and hear a message about life with Jesus.

Right now, because ministry is growing so quickly, the camp donations have yet to catch up!  For this new area, the current budget only allows for 15 of these 800 kids to go to camp.  In other parts of the country, there were recent Young Lives Camps (teen moms) and Capernaum Camps (kids with special needs) where more kids could have participated with additional financial support.

This has been on my heart for months.  I will continue to join the Ugandan team on a monthly Zoom call and am commited to seeing more kids go to camp. I want to invite you to help change more kids lives.

It is $50 to sponsor one camper or $600 to sponsor an entire cabin of kids to go to camp.

Will you join me in helping to make this possible?

Click here to send more kids to camp -

My goal is to raise $39,250 to fund the gap for the 785 kids who are waiting to go to camp.

Consider giving big.  Your money goes a long way in Uganda. 

A Camp Welcome

Young Life Club

Capernaum Camp

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